Whether you read Lenormand for yourself or others, every so often, you’ll want to ask that question again and do a second (or third, or fourth!) reading.
We know this isn’t ideal and that we know should be able to answer our question from just one reading.
But it’s not always that straightforward. We’re often tempted to re-run the question to get a more exact answer or deeper insights.
While we should, by default, avoid asking questions twice, there are ways to approach this situation effectively.
So, what are some of the ways we can be smart about asking questions a second time?
If you read for yourself, you can use some techniques to prevent having to do the reading a second time. Though this is a little trickier if you consult a Reader, you can make use of many ideas here.
For starters, you want to get clear about what you’re asking exactly.
An uninsightful reading is often the product of an unclear question. The clearer you are about what you’re asking, the better sense you can make of the cards for that specific question.
You also want to approach your Lenormand reading as special - not casual.
Lenormand is great for everyday questions and for all things practical. But it’s still important to treat readings as special. Make an appointment with yourself and plan your reading ahead. Then create your reading space by tidying and setting up your table or reading surface.
When you’re ready to do your reading, quiet your mind a little and do a meditation or offer a prayer to center yourself. Then ponder your question again before touching the cards so you connect deeply with the issue. And when you’re all set, draw your cards.
Another key, is to take your time with pondering the cards and interpreting the reading.
I know Lenormand readings can be bang on like a lightning bolt, but not all readings deliver their insights with the same energy. So be open to that.
And sometimes, it feels like your Lenormand reading is “mute” - i.e. not saying much.
But it is saying a lot. It’s just that the cards are not on the extreme ends of positive or negative and don’t have that lightning bolt energy.
So to get all those juicy details from the reading, take your time with making sense of the cards individually and in sentences.
It’s an opportunity to deepen your card combination meanings and your understanding of the cards in different contexts.
It helps to take notes about each line or set of cards you’re looking at, and then put all the ideas together into a story.
It also helps to pretend that you’re interpreting the cards for someone else. What would you tell them? You wouldn’t want them to get a second reading from someone else because you couldn’t give them a conclusion, right?
Taking your time with the cards, helps you look at them in different ways.
It happens that our mindset is not 100% on the ball at the time of the reading, or that the cards are mute and we need more time to ponder them.
In any case, it’s always important to take note of the reading in your journal and have a record of it. That way we can go back to it at any time.
Once we’ve taken note of our cards, we can leave the reading aside and let it stew for a while - a few hours, days, or even weeks.
This helps us let go of it a little so that when we revisit it with a different mindset and a fresh perspective.
Leaving the reading aside for a while also gives us a chance to gain some insights.
The truth is that a reading is never ‘mute’, it always speaks. When it feels mute, it’s still sowing some seeds in us. So when we let it rest, the seeds have a chance to bloom into insights.
When you revisit your reading, go over the notes you wrote about it and reinterpret the cards. You might even like to take out the cards from the deck and place them on your reading surface as though you just did the reading.
Visualizing them is always helpful. All of us card readers are attracted to reading cards because we engage with them visually.
With your Lenormand cards in front of you, you can do the reading a second time without drawing new cards.
Deepen your understanding of the cards and see how you build on your initial interpretation.
If you’re still not satisfied with your reading despite giving it time and re-interpreting it a few times, you might then redraw the cards.
You might like to run the exact same question, but it’s more effective to focus on a specific aspect of the issue and ask a new question that builds on the previous reading.
For example, if your first question was “Will I get this job?”, your next question can be something along the lines of: “What can I do to improve my chances of getting that job?”
This helps you look at your role in this situation and will most likely reveal additional details about your prospects for getting that job.
Approaching the issue from a different angle works well with giving your first reading time to stew.
During that time, life happens and you would have more information or more questions about what’s going on. These help you set up your second reading.
Also, during the time you left reading aside, you could have gotten more insights about it, and these too can inform what you ask about next.
For any of the techniques you use, it’s your underlying attitude that matters the most. You want to detach from your concern as much as possible. In other words, don’t obsess about it.
The more you obsess, the less clarity you’ll get out of your readings.
So take the time to understand what you need to know, center yourself, and take your Lenormand reading forward from that space of calm and neutrality.
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