3 TIPS FOR GETTING A SECOND LENORMAND READING practice & ethics private readings Oct 06, 2019

Whether you read Lenormand for yourself or others, every so often, you’ll want to ask that question again and do a second (or third, or fourth!) reading.

We know this isn’t ideal and that we know should be able to answer our question from just one reading.

But it’s not always that straightforward....

5 TIMES WHEN IT’S BEST NOT TO GET A READING practice & ethics private readings Aug 10, 2019

There are many good reasons to do or get a Lenormand reading: When we want another point of view, when we want a mirror for our inner wisdom, when we’re stuck and need to get the juices going, and many other reasons. But...

There are times when we should hold off doing or getting a reading.

It’s i...